Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Title __Touching Spirit Bear________________Role____summeraize___________pages read 260-269__________

In Touching Spirit Bear Cole could see Edwin alone in the skiff. On the deck of the fishing trawler, two people stood together near the back. Someone else sat alone near the bow. Cole squinted. The person sitting alone on the bow looked smaller than the rest. Cole's heart raced as the boat drew nearer. It was Peter Driscal.
With the boats still a hundred yards out from shore, Cole recognized Garvey's stocky bulldog figure at the helm inside the cabin.
Title _Touching Spirit Bear _________________Role summarize_______________pages read__247-258________

In Touching Spirit Bear  Cole had carved a seal's head, a sparrow in a nest, and a raven. There were dozens of the huge black birds hanging out in the trees around camp, cawing for handouts at mealtime. Cole also carved a jagged bolt of lightning and a big raindrop after dancing a storm dance.
By September, the salmon began working their way upstream to spawn. Each day, during his soak, Cole watched them. He could see them leaping high out of the water, trying to make their way up through the gushing gorge of water above the pond. When the salmon run finished several weeks later, Cole danced their dance and carved their figure into his totem.

Title Touching Spirit Bear __________________Role_Summeraize__________pages read__239-245________

In Touching Spirit Bear Cole stared up into the darkness. In the cold pond, his mind became almost trancelike. The fish and the beaver had come close until he thought of hurting them. The day he touched the Spirit Bear he had been near death and had completely given up trying to be in control. Being invisible had nothing to do with being seen. Being invisible meant not being sensed or felt.
Title _Touching Spirit Bear____________Role_____summeraize__________pages read_____243-237

In Touching Spirit Bear  Cole spent the rest of the afternoon carving. At one point, a downpour forced him to roll the log close to the cabin. He stretched a tarp out from the cabin wall so he could keep working. By nightfall, he had finished the eagle. Already he had decided to carve a wolf next.

Title _Touching Sprit Bear _________________Role Summeraize___________pages read___225-232

In Touching Sprit Bear Cole had built a table, a chair, and a bed frame form an old foam mattress that was part of his supplies. He made the furniture from driftwood, nails, and scraps left over from the cabin. He also started collecting armloads of firewood, cutting and splitting the wood with a small handsaw and hatchet, and stacking it in a straight pile against the cabin.Cole watched the boat again until it blinked from sight. This time he didn't feel the desperate loneliness and fear of four days earlier. It would not be easy, but he knew now that he could survive. Instead of returning to the cabin, he headed around the shoreline to hike and think.

Title   Touching spirit bear____________Role__summerarize____pages read___202-223

__In the book Touching Sprit Bear Cole had just seen a bear. Cole was not sure to tell Edwin and Garvey that he has seen a bear. Cole hates his dad for what he did to him. Cole was tired of playing tennis and working all day. Cole asked Edwin and Garvey how his new shelter looks. Edwin and Garvey said it need a couple of things but its nice. ____

Monday, June 6, 2016

Title ___The maze runner_______________Role_______________pages read__________

My meme by chris outten

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Title __________________Role_______________pages read__________ https://www.pixton.com/create

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

hi my name is raymond and i had a great weekend i killed my first snack and skin it. The next day me and my family went to the movies and watch the new x-men.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Title Hunger Games__________________Role_Illustrater______________pages read___capter two_______

Image result for hunger games journey to capitol on a train

Katniss on a train station on her journey to the Capitol, District 12. 
Title ___hunger games_______________Role_____illustrator__________pages read____chapter 1____
note: making a up work
Image result for hunger games chapter 1Image result for hunger games chapter 1

Blog One
Katniss, tells her story as she is waking up. It is the day of the cropping. She sees her little sister, Prim, asleep in bed with their mother across the room. Katniss puts on her clothes to go hunting.


Title __________________Role_______________pages read__________

Hi Everyone,

Here is the last mini-assignment for your book!

Make a comic

I have linked the app "Pixton" for you, but you can use any comic maker
you like.
Also, I am leaving the way you set it up up to you...you are familiar with what is
required to meet the standards for this blog. Did I just tell you I trust you?? Hmmm.
Ok, well that's good.

Have fun with this...remember, a comic doesn't necessarily have to be funny.
As out last major assignment, we will do a Google Draw, which is a whole
group challenge, and you will be presenting it to the entire class.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Title Montana 1948                           Role Illustrator               pages read__________

This picture is of a basement reminds me of an event in the book.So after MarieÅ› death, sheriff Wesley arrests his brother, Frank, for the murder or Marie Little Soldier.Which he then locks Frank in his basement rather then the jail to save him (and the family) some embarassment.
Title:  the girl at the center of the world          Role: word watcher        pages read_4 and 5

sweetness:the quality of being sweet.

Aleka's hpai  : State Veterinarians encourage poultry producers and enthusiasts to prepare for Highly Pathogenic Avian 

hunger games illistrater 24 pages   

Katniss Everdeen telling about the reaping [[src]] A reaping is an annual event that takes place in every district before each Hunger Games, where the tributes of the upcoming Games are chosen. Each district's escort randomly chooses the name of one male and one female tribute from two separate glass balls
Title, The Outsiders, Role summary, pages read 1-5

Question: did Paul find a ride home?

      Summary: Paul was wanting a ride home and somebody gave him one and the driver was saying he was tough and muscular.

Hunger Games per 4

Role: word watcher                                                 pgs 60- 90
3. What words seem to have special meaning to the characters/author.
A word that seems to have special meaning to the characters/ author would be preperation.
This has special meaning to the characters/ author because throughout this part of the book would be peta and katniss are preparing for the games.
hunger games      director         9

Image result for hunger games           

hunger games is showing strength and fighting for your life.
Title __________________Role_______________pages read__________


     1. 10 - 6 blog posts  (10=A, 6=C)
     2. Fortune cookie assignment 
     3. Slogan or meme assignment
     4. book cover photo 
     5. blog posts need to answer the questions of your role
     6. comic strip assignment
     7. photo of environment/relate to novel - transfer to blog
     8. FINAL ASSESSMENT:Google Draw - group activity - 
         represent your novel in pics/quotes/comments/symbols/
         memes, etc.
     9. Present to GDraw to class

Title;Girl....World     Role  illistrator               pages 20-25                                                                                                                                                                   Question 1   I choose a quote.                                                                                                                                                                   I look at him; his eyes are full of concern and reassurance. He touches my hand. I clasp his. He squeezes tightly. My hand is so small, wrapped in his strong fingers. His hand feels like a shield. Protecting me. "It's going to be okay, Lei. Promise."                                                                                                              It means that he is trying to have his strong handles on something than he is a very small person. Then he is filled with so many diffrent types of concerns. 
Title   Hunger games _________________Role_________illusustrator ______pages read____4-5______

This picture represents the hunger games and the girl stood up for her sister to go on missions
The Maze Runner
Jack Gandour
Pg. 85-96

One night the runners came back from the maze and they were all eating and they all saw the gates didn closed they all got scared and held weapons, and torches.

Image result for the maze runner