Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Title __Touching Spirit Bear________________Role____summeraize___________pages read 260-269__________

In Touching Spirit Bear Cole could see Edwin alone in the skiff. On the deck of the fishing trawler, two people stood together near the back. Someone else sat alone near the bow. Cole squinted. The person sitting alone on the bow looked smaller than the rest. Cole's heart raced as the boat drew nearer. It was Peter Driscal.
With the boats still a hundred yards out from shore, Cole recognized Garvey's stocky bulldog figure at the helm inside the cabin.
Title _Touching Spirit Bear _________________Role summarize_______________pages read__247-258________

In Touching Spirit Bear  Cole had carved a seal's head, a sparrow in a nest, and a raven. There were dozens of the huge black birds hanging out in the trees around camp, cawing for handouts at mealtime. Cole also carved a jagged bolt of lightning and a big raindrop after dancing a storm dance.
By September, the salmon began working their way upstream to spawn. Each day, during his soak, Cole watched them. He could see them leaping high out of the water, trying to make their way up through the gushing gorge of water above the pond. When the salmon run finished several weeks later, Cole danced their dance and carved their figure into his totem.

Title Touching Spirit Bear __________________Role_Summeraize__________pages read__239-245________

In Touching Spirit Bear Cole stared up into the darkness. In the cold pond, his mind became almost trancelike. The fish and the beaver had come close until he thought of hurting them. The day he touched the Spirit Bear he had been near death and had completely given up trying to be in control. Being invisible had nothing to do with being seen. Being invisible meant not being sensed or felt.
Title _Touching Spirit Bear____________Role_____summeraize__________pages read_____243-237

In Touching Spirit Bear  Cole spent the rest of the afternoon carving. At one point, a downpour forced him to roll the log close to the cabin. He stretched a tarp out from the cabin wall so he could keep working. By nightfall, he had finished the eagle. Already he had decided to carve a wolf next.

Title _Touching Sprit Bear _________________Role Summeraize___________pages read___225-232

In Touching Sprit Bear Cole had built a table, a chair, and a bed frame form an old foam mattress that was part of his supplies. He made the furniture from driftwood, nails, and scraps left over from the cabin. He also started collecting armloads of firewood, cutting and splitting the wood with a small handsaw and hatchet, and stacking it in a straight pile against the cabin.Cole watched the boat again until it blinked from sight. This time he didn't feel the desperate loneliness and fear of four days earlier. It would not be easy, but he knew now that he could survive. Instead of returning to the cabin, he headed around the shoreline to hike and think.

Title   Touching spirit bear____________Role__summerarize____pages read___202-223

__In the book Touching Sprit Bear Cole had just seen a bear. Cole was not sure to tell Edwin and Garvey that he has seen a bear. Cole hates his dad for what he did to him. Cole was tired of playing tennis and working all day. Cole asked Edwin and Garvey how his new shelter looks. Edwin and Garvey said it need a couple of things but its nice. ____

Monday, June 6, 2016

Title ___The maze runner_______________Role_______________pages read__________

My meme by chris outten